Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cooked Japanese Pumpkin


Halloween is just around the corner and I thought I would like to show you how we eat pumpkin in Japan. I wonder if the big ones (ones used for Jack-o'-Lantern in western countries) are edible or not. I'm a bit curious about how you eat pumpkins for meal.  Must be a lot different from ours. 
And this is how my late mother used to cook for us.  I remember that the pumpkin was the only veggies she didn't allow me to cut when young (I was slicing cabbage when I was 7 or 8 years old, haha). There were no such thing called microwave-oven to soften them at that time. 

Cutting them like these, put some dried sea weed. And then cook them with powdered-soup stock, sugar, cooking sake, soy source.

Does this look yummy to you, p;)


Elisabete said...

So beautiful and delicious photos! Have a nice day!

BlueShell said...

I dear! I've never tried...but I will! The photos are charming...

Michiko Johnson said...

I feel more happy time in with you Miyako san!
I can come to see you all the time.
Ana tamo ganba-te kudasai mase..
Kage-ni ganba-te kudasai-mase

Lucinha said...


Não sou muito boa em culinária, mas como amo aprender sobre a sua cultura, eu vim aqui lhe visitar.
The looks is so yummy!

LindyLouMac said...

You are right it is interesting to compare differences in our cultures, one of the reasons I love blogging. We have been enjoying pumpkin soup recently.