Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chestnut-rice (autumn flavor)

I had another birthday gift on my birthday this year
18th of this month, we had our eagerly awaited annual gift of chestnuts from our neighbor this year as well.  So, I cooked chestnuts-rice on my birthday. I had many gifts this year, harvest moon pictures(from husband), flower-basket(from cousins) and the chestnuts♬ I felt SO blessed this years birthday. It would have been far better, if only I hadn't got a cold soon after on that day, p;) 

I still am not in perfect condition, but getting better; 
short post of my birthday post sequence, 


Joyful said...

So nice that you had a blessed birthday. I'm sorry to hear you have a cold. One always feels tired when they fight a cold so please get some rest ;-) Happy Birthday.

Barbara F. said...

I am so happy for you, Miyako. The moon photos were beautiful, the chestnuts look great too. I enjoy eating them in the fall, especially when we celebrate Thanksgiving. Hope you are feeling much better. xo