Friday, January 27, 2012

Zenzai (one of Japanese sweets) and Green-Pea-Rice

*Funny Lunch with Zenzai
Yesterday morning, I had a request from hubby to make "zenzai" Japanese Sweet Red Bean Soup (sometimes with small rice-cake). I grilled rice-cake and put it in there. I finished making it before noon. Haha, it is one of the hot sweets favored during the winter, and I think it should be treated as a snack. But he said he wished to have it soon for lunch.
I had ready-made "raviolis a la vapeur (shumai in Japanese)  or one of the Chinese Dumplings" in the fridge and flied them.
What a funny mixture for lunch, p;)

This picture is from this page of pc, and recipe is here you may be able to try.  I made it from scratch, p;)

*Green-Pea-Rie for Dinner
For dinner, I made Green-Pea-Rice, Cooked Sqid with soy-sauce, Grated Yam with Vinegar Taste (yam or kind of potato for especially good for grating)
I have kind of nostalgic feeling for green-pea-rice. My late mother used to make this my favorite kind of tasted-rice often for me. Even if I had a small appetite when young, for this one I had second service sometimes. Haha, she worried my slow growth a lot.

I fiddled with the free-soft called PhotoScape and tried to put frames for the pictures, hehe. And I realized that I could fix the size of the picture in the blog even from HTML early this year. What a slow learner! 

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